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Instructions:Template Settings / How to use this template
Template author:PBTemplates
Description:Combine is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Download Combine for free in BTemplates.
Rating5.0 out of 5 based on 1 bloggers.
Compatible with:FFIEChrome

live demo
Instructions:How to use this template
Template author:Five for Blogger
Description:Pictoplate is a free blogger template with 3 columns, gallery-styled, exclusive design for Blogger and footer columns.
Excellent layout for blogs about photography.
Download Pictoplate for free in BTemplates.
Rating5.0 out of 5 based on 5 bloggers.
Compatible with:

Untuk mengaktifkan tampilan mobile pada Blogger

1. Klik Pengaturan
2. Klik Email & Selular
3. Check

4. Simpan Setelan

Setelah itu kita akan me-redirect address tampilan mobilepada opera mini.
1. Klik Rancangan
2. Klik Edit Html
3. Copy kode html dibawah ini:

4. Copy kode diatas (ganti tulisan dengan nama blog anda) lalu paste sebelum kode ini </head>

5. Simpan 

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